Hydraulic transients (also known as water hammer) can seem innocuous in a residential setting, but these spikes in pressure can cause major damage to large pipelines and industrial pipe networks. In t...
Water hammer has the potential to rupture valves, pipes, and fittings. Condensate can collect on the bottom of steam lines, out of the flow path, so it requires some external means, like gravity for i...
Neste vídeo vamos falar do Leakshooter da Synergys Technologies, uma câmara ultrassónica essencialmente dedicada para a deteção de fugas de ar comprimido e ainda fugas de gases, vapor, vácuo, teste de...
Tutorial on how to use the Ultraprobe 2000 for electrical inspections. Locate Corona, Tracking, Partial discharge, Arcing & mechanical vibrations in transformers, power lines, switches, insulators...
If your compressed air system is maxed out and you're hungry for a solution, adding another compressor should not be your first answer. Put an SDT ultrasound detector to work today. Getting started is...
UPDATED RANKING ►► https://wiki.ezvid.com/best-ultrasonic-leak-detectors Disclaimer: These choices may be out of date. You need to go to wiki.ezvid.com to see the most recent updates to the list. Our ...
Shop Now: http://www.testequipmentdepot.com/amprobe/envirotesters/uld300_tmuld.htm?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=demo+video&utm_campaign=manufacturer The Amprobe ULD-300 -Detects any pressuriz...
Whether used in compressed air, gas and vacuum systems, the new SONAPHONE ultrasonic testing device makes it possible to detect and analyze leakages in no time at all. Here's how it works: leaks gener...
When equipment begins to fail due to an air or gas leak or vibration, or electrical discharge, the leakage point emits an ultrasonic sound wave that is above the natural range of human hearing. The UL...
A lot of energy can be lost as a result of defective steam traps, with possible consequences including system interruptions and reduced operational safety. Statistics show that around a third of steam...
- For any vehicle servicing or accident repair environment - Uses ultrasonic technology to find leaks quickly and efficiently - Detects leaks as small as 0.1mm at 5.0psi/34kPa from 30cm - Supports leg...
Save up to 35 % of the energy costs finding and elimination of leaks in compressed air systems. Watch Nex Flow Demonstrate The Ultrasonic Compressed Air Leak Detection System
Click here to see this product & more on Fibreglast.com: http://goo.gl/YZWVxF The Best way to Locate Vacuum Leaks Our #1503-A Ultrasonic Leak Detector is used to track down even the smallest vacuu...
With the new SONOCHEK ultrasonic testing device, PRUFTECHNIK, the Bavarian specialist for condition monitoring systems, is entering a new field of preventive maintenance. https://www.pruftechnik.com/p...
Electrical systems need to be both safe and reliable. Defects on insulators, switches or fuses can have catastrophic effects. In order to prevent this, SONOTEC has developed the SONAPHONE. The innovat...
http://www.sdt.eu - Combining ultrasound and temperature measurements is the key for steam trap inspection. The SDT270 provides both, allowing inspectors to determine trap function during peak product...
Watch a real vibration analysis and field balancing application with VIBXPERT II. Our service engineers at work in a biomass plant are using the VIBXPERT II to balance a fan unit. Watch them over the ...
This quick start video demonstrates how quick & simple it is to connect a Slaughter Hipot and Ground Bond tester to form a complete test system. The 26-37 system is demonstrated in the video.
http://www.kep.ua/en/device/106/hvts-70-50/ High voltage test system HVTS-70/50 is designed for testing the insulating properties of power cables and solid dielectrics with a rectified voltage of...
DC Hipots can be used for the following testing applications: cable, transformers, electrical switchgear, terminations, motors generators and other electrical apparatus. Today we're going to take you ...
Phép thử nghiệm cao áp (Hipot Test) là hạng mục thử nghiệm thường xuyên và bắt buộc theo tiêu chuẩn an toàn đối với thiết bị điện dân dụng và tương tự TCVN 5699-1 tương đương với IEC 60335-1 nhằm đảm ...
For episode 6, we met Carol Smith in UL Headquarters in Northbrook, IL, who was kind enough to walk us through a demonstration of dielectric testing. Carol also discusses why this type of test is so i...
HIPOT TEST PROCEDURE AND WHY WE USE DC HIPOT FOR CABLE Why we use DC hipot for cable? Why we reduce percentage for more then 3rd time hipot test? What is the procedure to do hipot test? After hipot wh...
What mental images do you have about testing cables with high voltages? A simple water metaphor may help clarify this condundrum. To learn more, subscribe to the Cirris Systems channel and visit the C...
HIPOT TEST FOR HV BUS BAR FOR HV 6.6KV Switchboard Before going into Test we have to check the following things 1. Open earth switch. 2. Rack out VT 3. Check The barricade around Testing AREAR. 4. IR ...
Have you ever been frustrated trying to find the actual cause of a high voltage failure in a cable assembly? To learn more, subscribe to the Cirris Systems channel and visit the Cirris Systems hipot t...
Rất nhiều nhà máy đòi hỏi phải có thiết bị đo lưu lượng trong các ứng dụng khác nhau. Tuy nhiên, với chất lưu là dạng chất lỏng thì có khá nhiều chủng loại thiết bị với nhiều nguyên lý có thể được áp ...
Sourcetronic Frequency Inverter Shop: https://www.sourcetronic.com/shop/en/frequency-inverter In this Quick-Start video you will find all general information of how to set up your device quickly and s...
Microprocessor based Digital DC Resistance Meter for testing DC Resistance in Automobile Coils / Transformers / Resistors with user friendly options. Has Comparison mode for PASS / FAIL indication and...
In this video we discuss AC and DC Hipot Testing. Join us as we give you a deeper understanding of AC/DC Hipot testing, then show you a live demo! Associated Research: https://www.arisafety.com/ Ikoni...
This is a New Automatic Transformer Tester with high speed of testing. Can measure Turns Ratio, Polarity, DCR, Capacitance, Leakage Inductance, Inductance, Q and etc. VE2729XA : 200kHz Automatic Trans...
Digital DC Hipots can be used for the following testing applications: cable, transformers, electrical switchgear, terminations, motors generators and other electrical apparatus.
In this video we discuss the basics of Hipot testing. Join us as we take you to our whiteboard where we give you a visual diagram of the Hipot test, then show you a live demo of a pass, fail or breakd...
Sourcetronic Hipot Tester Shop: https://www.sourcetronic.com/shop/en/hipot-tester/ Sourcetronic offers a variety of high quality Hipot Testers for voltages up to 100kV! For further questions or inform...
This video demonstrates how to connect an Associated Research Hypot III - entry level hipot tester to an device under testing using a factory supplied adapter box. Learn more at http://www.asresearch....
This video shows how quickly and easy it is to set-up a Hipot test using a Hypot III series instrument. The video also demonstrates the proper test connections.
In this video we discuss Earth Leakage Testing. Join us as we give you a deeper understanding of Earth Leakage testing, then show you a live demo! Associated Research: https://www.arisafety.com/ Ikoni...
Sourcetronic Safety Testers Shop: https://www.sourcetronic.com/shop/en/safety-tester/ This video will give you the opportunity to previously get an inside of the Sourcetronic Safety Testers before pur...
This video demonstrates how to setup the ISA CBA1000 to perform circuit breaker analysis with ease. The ISA CBA1000 Circuit Breaker Analyser provides basic timing testing for both the circuit breaker ...
In this video we discuss Touch Current Testing. Join us as we give you a deeper understanding of Touch Current Testing, then show you a live demo! Associated Research: https://www.arisafety.com/ Ikoni...
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